What You'll Find in the Reset:
Everything you need to succeed

What's included when you say Yes to YOU:

    • Daily workouts by a personal trainer

    • Easily to follow printables to keep you on track and organized 

    • Meals plans with shopping lists

    • Education on how to save on groceries

    • Education from a certified nutritionist

    • Mindset tips, emotional support, and motivational affirmations

    • New health and wellness education added monthly

    • Accountability chats - you choose desired level of engagement

    • A Community of individuals on a similar journey

    • Education on detoxification, inflammation, nutrition, and more!

    • And so much more...

PLUS: get the workbook, DOABLE daily to-do's & all the secrets

Does It Actually Work?

Are you ready to wake up and thrive every day?

Participant Testimonials
What is NingXia Red?
NingXia Red was Clinically Studied:

  • Clinically shown to significantly reduce daily stress by 23% and improve mental wellbeing

  • Clinically shown to support/promote healthy respiratory function

  • Clinically shown to significantly increase physical energy levels by 35% and reduce physical limitations by 36%

  • Clinically shown to support healthy inflammation response

  • Clinically shown to improve sleep patterns and increase time asleep by an average of 21 minutes following 60 days of  continued use
What Exactly IS the 14 Day Reset?
Watch this short video to find out!

For the next two weeks you will do the following daily:

1.) Drink NingXia Red- the superstar antioxidant drink! 

2.) Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water

3) Follow a nutrition plan that works for you

4) Move your body daily at least 30 minutes—any way you’d like!

*meal plans and workout suggestions included
What Perks Come with the 14 Day Reset?
More Than 8 Meal Plans To Choose From

Booklet & Printables To Help You Stay On Track

14k+ Community Of Support

Free Website & App Access 

Workout Plans From Nationally Certified Trainer

Monthly Education Live & Recorded
(Naturopaths, Scientists, Nutritionists, Therapists)

Journaling Prompts & Mindset Coaching
Are YOU Ready for a Reset?
Click my link below to get the 24% wholesale discount on NingXia Red when you
Use the code SHAREYL at checkout to save an extra 10% on your first order!

You will need 102 ounces of NingXia Red to do the 14 Day Reset.

Here are the best values:
Order your NingXia Red on Loyalty Rewards to get 10% back in product credit and a free gift!




Get Your NingXia Paid For!
Encourage family + friends to join you in the Reset
Learn about becoming a brand partner here.
Hey there! I'm SO glad you're here...

I spent way too many years faithfully following every shiny new trend the fitness industry had to offer—every fad diet, every crazy workout—all of it. And I hated every single one. Why? Because every philosophy had a common theme: If you want to lose weight, you need to eat less and exercise more. Oh, and don't even think about those "bad" foods that you crave. Cookies, soda, chips? Off limits.

For most people, that's a one-way ticket to quitsville. For me, it led to a serious eating disorder. I eventually learned to view food as the enemy. I counted every single calorie that went into my mouth and beat myself up anytime I ate anything on the "no-no" list. Sure, I lost weight. But I was exhausted, hungry, and agitated all the time. On the outside, I looked pretty good. But inside, I felt miserable and tired.

I have since learned a better way. Instead of starting a new health journey by cutting out foods, why not instead start by ADDING foods? That's right. Adding. See, here's the thing. As a fitness professional and nutrition specialist, I've since learned that cravings were my body's way of telling me it was lacking essential nutrients. 

So what if we turn this whole thing upside and instead start by filling those nutritional gaps? Then what would eventually happen to those cravings? And what would happen to our energy levels when we're not starving ourselves? 

For me, it was game changing. Now, not only do I look fit, but I also feel great. I fuel my body with nutritional foods so that I can feel and perform my best. Do I have a cookie from time to time? Sure do! And I don't feel guilty about it. Because I don't crave them the way I used to. 

So how do you fill those nutritional gaps? That's where the 14 Day Reset comes in! And it's simpler than you think.

Add NingXia Red to your daily menu. 

Did you know that the NingXia Wolfberry…
  • Has over 15% protein by weight
  • Contains over 21 essential minerals
  • Contains 18 amino acids
  • Has 67 times the vitamin B1 of brown rice
  • Has 2 times the vitamin B3 of baker's yeast 
  • Has 3 times the vitamin C of raw oranges
  • Has 5 times the calcium of raw cauliflower 
  • Has 2 times the beta carotene of raw spinach
NingXia Red is the cornerstone of the 14 Day Reset. For two weeks, you'll be immersing all these nutrients into your body by drinking a total of 102 ounces of NingXia Red. You'll also be hydrating with half your body weight in ounces of water each day and following a general nutrition plan. No hard and fast rules. Just guidelines. By doing these three things, you'll have the energy and vitality to move your body for 30 minutes every day, which will immediately give you great results. As you can see from the testimonials, many are having great success!

Cool, so it's only two weeks long? Yes and no. The 14 Day Reset is the inertia you need to get you started and motivated. Imagine it's like that push your dad gives you when you're first learning to ride a bike. After that, you have to keep pedaling if you want to move forward. And you'll do that by continuing to drink NingXia Red every day—this time just one 2-ounce packet a day. It couldn't be easier.

And I'll help you every step of the way. 

Remember—it’s not about perfection; it’s about progress and building a healthier lifestyle over time.

Let's Connect:

Copyright 2025 Debbie Zary