My goal is to help Silver Sneakers participants get the most out of their experience at VRTX Fitness so that you can enjoy an active, independent, healthy lifestyle.


Silver Sneakers Classic is our flagship, universal class format. This class is perfect for the individual who is new to exercise but is also appropriate for those who wish to improve their muscular endurance and flexibility. Classic is designed to increase strength and range of motion as well as to provide ideas improvement in functional skill-related fitness components like agility, balance, coordination, power, and speed. Improving these skills will help minimize the risk and fear of falling and will ultimately help class members maintain an independent lifestyle. 

Each Classic experience includes exercise opportunities with hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles, and a six- to nine-inch Silver Sneakers ball. A chair is utilized for seated exercises and standing support to help build participant confidence. Exercises and movements can be adapted to suit various skill and fitness levels with the use of intensity variations, or regressions and progressions. 


The purpose of a BOOM MUSCLE class is to improve functional strength and movement efficiency while increasing cardio-respiratory endurance. 

Like all Silver Sneakers classes, BOOM MUSCLE follows a five-segment format. The class segments are: Warmup, Work, Cooldown, Stretch, and Relaxation. The Work segment focuses on a variety of strength-based training techniques and movement patterns borrowed from popular sports and leisure activities.

BOOM MUSCLE is an interval-training class. After a Warmup, we will alternate Muscle Conditioning Blocks (MCBs) and Action Intervals (AIs) for the Work segment. We then finish with a cooldown and final stretch.


The ideal eating pattern for older adults includes:

  • Drinking plenty of liquids (water....not soda!)
  • Make eating social event
  • Using herbs and spices
  • Focusing on affordable, easy-to-prepare nutrient rich food
  • Increasing nutrient dense foods, like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and quality proteins
  • Getting regular physical activity
For more information, go to MyPlate.


As you've participated in various Silver Sneakers classes, whether Classic, Circuit, BOOM, or another format, no doubt you've heard this question from your instructor while you're working out. Why is this such an important touchpoint, and what does the scale mean?

It really comes down to measuring your heart rate to maximize cardiorespiratory training. To get the most bang for your buck, you want to make sure that your heart rate is high enough to challenge both the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. 

There are several different methods for measuring your heart rate, including VO2 Max, Regression Heart Rate Method, and Hear Rate Reserve (HRR) Method. All of these methods have one thing in common: they require that you stop exercising to take your pulse. You then compare your pulse to your previously measured maximum heart rate. 

In a future post, I will show you how to calculate your personal maximum heart rate, but during class, it's easier to just use the perceived exertion method. 

Here's what I like to see during class:

GREEN   If your number is between 1-3, it's time to kick it up a bit, especially during cardio blocks. After all, you want to sweat a little, right?

YELLOW   A number between 4-6 is ideal. This is the moderate range, where you're burning fat and making great strides in your cardiorespiratory health.

ORANGE   Once you get into 7-8, it's good to take breaks. Periods of high intensity can be beneficial for those in good cardio shape, but they should not be sustained more than a couple minutes. 

RED   9-10 should be avoided whenever possible. If you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or exhausted, take it down to a march or take a break altogether.

So what's your number? 

Check out the entire library of on-demand videos from Silver Sneakers. 

Learn more about maintaining a healthy lifestyle that complements your exercise routine. 

How to Keep Your Brain Healthy
Building Core Strength
7 Ways to Boost Your Mood


I'm so glad you're here! I'm Debbie. As a certified personal trainer, group fitness instructor, and nutrition specialist, I've always enjoyed supporting people on their journey to better health.

But a recent cancer scare taught me that exercise and nutrition are only part of the equation. I have since learned the importance of stress management, restorative sleep, and toxic-free living. Now in addition to teaching fitness classes and nutrition coaching, I am also a certified essential oils coach and Young Living brand partner. 

Never heard of Young Living? It's the ORIGINAL and the BEST essential oils company. Young Living's Seed to Seal commitment is your guarantee that every single product you purchase is pure and 100% healthy. In addition to oils, Young Living has a wonderful array of wellness supplements, natural cleaning products, and everything you could possibly need to reverse chemical overload in your home. 

All new customers get a free gift from me with their first order. Check out my Young Living shop here.
