As you've participated in various Silver Sneakers classes, whether Classic, Circuit, BOOM, or another format, no doubt you've heard this question from your instructor while you're working out. Why is this such an important touchpoint, and what does the scale mean?
It really comes down to measuring your heart rate to maximize cardiorespiratory training. To get the most bang for your buck, you want to make sure that your heart rate is high enough to challenge both the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems.
There are several different methods for measuring your heart rate, including VO2 Max, Regression Heart Rate Method, and Hear Rate Reserve (HRR) Method. All of these methods have one thing in common: they require that you stop exercising to take your pulse. You then compare your pulse to your previously measured maximum heart rate.
In a future post, I will show you how to calculate your personal maximum heart rate, but during class, it's easier to just use the perceived exertion method.
Here's what I like to see during class:
GREEN If your number is between 1-3, it's time to kick it up a bit, especially during cardio blocks. After all, you want to sweat a little, right?
YELLOW A number between 4-6 is ideal. This is the moderate range, where you're burning fat and making great strides in your cardiorespiratory health.
ORANGE Once you get into 7-8, it's good to take breaks. Periods of high intensity can be beneficial for those in good cardio shape, but they should not be sustained more than a couple minutes.
RED 9-10 should be avoided whenever possible. If you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or exhausted, take it down to a march or take a break altogether.
So what's your number?