Thieves Essential Oil is a blend of 5 powerful Young Living oils: clove, eucalyptus, rosemary, lemon, and cinnamon. It’s spicy, hot, uplifting, and energizing. And it is one of the most famous oils in all of Young Living, one of the oils that put this company on the map in the early 1990s.

Thieves has a rich and almost infamous history. It’s based on the legend of the four thieves in Marseilles, France, dating from the time of the outbreak of the Bubonic Plague, or Black Plague. During the peak of infections in the 16th century, an aromatic legend developed around a brew called “Marseilles Vinegar”, or “Four Thieves Vinegar”. As history has it, the group allegedly robbed graves without becoming infected, due to this mysterious vinegar. But it wasn’t just an urban legend.

This vinegar was noted in a number of famous medical books published later on, including the Pharmacologia from 1825. This page is a snippet from that original book, from almost 200 years ago.

Gary Young, the founder of Young Living, is responsible for the story reaching the legendary status it has today. He created the Thieves Essential Oil Blend in 1994 for immune support, as a result of his study at Warwick University in London.

Today, the entire Thieves product line is synonymous with immunity. Thieves Essential Oil is just the tip of the iceberg. Young Living has developed immune-boosting products ranging from laundry soap and dish soap to veggie soak and toothpaste. Personally, I don't go anywhere without my Thieves On-The-Go products: Thieves Spray, Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer, and Thieves Hand-Sanitizing Wipes. I also make a mouth spray using Thieves Mouthwash, a few drops of Clove Vitality Essential Oil, and water. I spritz it into my mouth whenever I feel like things are getting a little too "people-y". :)
So where do you start? Young Living has made it easy to just make a shift with the Make a Shift Happy, Healthy Home Kit, where you get over $200 worth of Thieves products for only $112. And, by purchasing this incredible kit, you also earn a 24% discount off everything you purchase for an entire year!
Oh, and one more thing. Enter my discount code ShareYL for an additional 10% off. It's a no-brainer! Make the shift today.