AminoWise Spotlight

AminoWise Spotlight
AminoWise is my favorite supplement for recovery after workouts. Think of this as a natural Gatorade (that tastes MUCH better)! It is a wolfberry lemonade-flavored drink mix that contains branched-chain amino acids, antioxidants, and minerals to provide the nutrients you need to optimize your workout recovery. 

  • Helps support muscles, lessens fatigue, and enhances muscle recovery during and after exercise
  • Reduces lactic acid induced by exercise through a complex blend of antioxidants and minerals
  • Helps support the production of nitric oxide, which can improve blood flow
  • Contains branched-chain amino acids, which have been shown to aid in preventing muscle catabolism from exercise
  • Supports hydration by replenishing important minerals lost during exercise
  • Good source of vitamin E and zinc
  • No preservatives, synthetic colors, artificial flavors, added sugar or artificial sweeteners
I love AminoWise because it tastes amazing and contains all the good stuff and none of the bad. It's formulated with branch chain amino acids and contains three key blends that combine to support your muscles during and after exercise, help fight fatigue, and enhance your recovery!

AminoWise enhances muscle performance, reduces fatigue, and supports muscles during and after exercise using a triple-targeted formula that features branched-chain amino acids, premium essential oils, antioxidants, and minerals. MUCH more nutrient-dense than your average electrolyte replacement drinks!

Amino acids are classified as non-essential amino acids (you produce them on your own), conditionally essential amino acids (can usually be produced by your body), and essential amino acids (EAAs, cannot be made by the body so you must get them through diet or supplementation) Of the EAAs, three are superstars -- the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs): leucine, isoleucine, and valine. BCAAs make up about 35% of your muscle tissue.

Your ability to maintain, or build lean body mass, or muscle, is based on the levels of protein synthesis and protein breakdown throughout the day. As you age, protein breakdown tends to accelerate. To slow the protein breakdown you can eat more high quality protein and supplement with EAAs.

Because your level of muscle mass plays a significant role in longevity, anything that increases protein synthesis or decreases protein breakdown can support your quality of life throughout your lifespan. Since amino acids play such an essential role in building and maintaining lean body mass, they must be a consistent part of a healthy diet!

  • Muscle Performance blend: includes branched-chain amino acids that helps build and repair muscles, improve muscle endurance, and promote overall muscle health
  • Recovery blend: includes Ningxia wolfberry powder and Lemon and Lime essential oils that help reduce the lactic acid and provide antioxidants to repair and prevent oxidative damage; also contains polyphenols and zinc to provide nutrients and minerals for muscle recovery
  • Hydration blend: features electrolytes such as magnesium, sodium, and potassium that replace vital minerals lost during exercise to allow muscles to repair themselves and build strength
  • AminoWise Muscle Performance Blend: Branched-chain amino acids (2:1:1 Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine), L-citrulline, Beta-Alanine, L-Glutamine, L-arginine, L-taurine 
  • AminoWise Recovery Blend:  Ningxia wolfberry fruit powder, Antioxidant blend Red wine polyphenols, Vitamin E (D-alpha tocopherol), Zinc (Zinc gluconate), Persian lime juice powder, Lemon peel oil, Lime peel oil
  • AminoWise Hydration Mineral Blend: Sodium (Sodium citrate), Potassium (Potassium citrate), Calcium (Calcium citrate), Magnesium (Magnesium citrate)
  • Mix 1 scoop with 8 oz. of water and consume during or after exercise or as desired as part of your daily wellness routine.
  • Pair AminoWise post-workout with other great muscle supporting supplements like AgilEase or BLM, NingXia Red and SulfurZyme.
  • Try this NingXia Red Electrolyte Drink:
    • 1 cup water or coconut water
    • 2-4 oz Ningxia Red
    • 1 scoop AminoWise
    • 1-2 drops Young Living Vitality oil of choice: Tangerine, Orange, Lime, Citrus Fresh, or Grapefruit
    • Mix all ingredients in a blender with some ice (or just mix in a blender bottle or mason jar!!) for one of the most refreshing drinks EVER!
    • If you want to kick it up a notch, here are some BONUS ingredients you can add to the recipe above that make this drink even more packed with good things:
    • 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar
    • 1/2 tsp coconut oil
    • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
    • 1 drop Young Living Peppermint Vitality Oil

The Power of Adding

The Power of Adding
In a blog post titled "The Power of Adding," the author challenges common weight loss advice by suggesting that adding nutrient-dense foods to our diet can be more effective than focusing on restrictions. The author emphasizes the importance of fueling our bodies to have the energy for exercise and encourages readers to listen to their bodies and recognize the difference between how they feel when they nourish it with good foods versus unhealthy options. Rather than creating a "no-no" list, the author recommends starting by adding one nutrient-dense food to our daily routine, such as a green smoothie with Young Living's NingXia Red and NingXia Greens for easily absorbable nutrients. The post ends with an invitation to reach out for a free sample of NingXia Red and experience the benefits firsthand.

NingXia Red Wellness Box

NingXia Red Wellness Box
Discover the power of NingXia Red in the Monthly Wellness Box. Packed with antioxidants, this delicious red drink supports healthy hair, skin, and energy levels, as well as overall longevity. The box includes four 750mL bottles and 30 single packets, allowing you to easily incorporate NingXia Red into your daily routine.

To enhance the benefits of NingXia Red, consider adding NingXia Nitro to your daily regimen. Infused with essential oils, botanical extracts, and natural caffeine, NingXia Nitro provides a wonderful energy boost and supports alertness and fitness. Enjoy it directly from the tube or mix it with NingXia Red or water for a refreshing pick-me-up.

For a light and sparkling hydration option, try NingXia Zyng. With its unique blend of essential oils, wolfberry puree, and white tea extract, this beverage delivers a refreshing boost whenever you need it. Enjoy it chilled on its own or enhance it with a tube of NingXia Nitro.

Discover the amazing wellness benefits of NingXia Red and its accompanying products in the Monthly Wellness Box. Energize and nourish yourself with this powerful combination.

All About NingXia Red

All About NingXia Red
In this blog post, we learn about the incredible health benefits of Young Living's NingXia Red supplement drink. Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, NingXia Red supports a healthy immune system, provides energy, and supports brain and joint health. It also helps support healthy hormone and blood sugar levels, and can even help curb sugar cravings. Made from wolfberry puree, various fruit juices, essential oils, and other natural ingredients, NingXia Red is a nutrient-dense supplement that is easily assimilated by the body. The blog post also shares tips on how to incorporate NingXia Red into your daily routine and provides various product options to choose from.