20 reasons to become a Young Living Brand Partner

20 reasons to become a Young Living Brand Partner
I love sharing my passion for oils with my friends! It's such a rewarding feeling knowing that I'm helping people feel and look their best—naturally. 

And here's a secret...I don't know everything about oils! In fact, each day I learn how much I don't know. But as a brand partner, I have a wealth of resources at my finger tips and know where to look to find the best solution for you.

You can do the same thing—and get paid for it!

Here are 20 reasons it's valuable to upgrade your account to become a brand partner:

1. Quick cash when you refer a friend
2. Your personal order (up to 100pv) is tax deductible
3. Any new products or samples are tax deductible
4. No inventory needed
5. Access to support groups for your referrals: team VIP groups & Brand Partner Academy
6. Ability to share enough to have the cost of your monthly order covered (FREE STUFF!!!)
7. Young Living is a playground of health. Regardless of inflation, we still need to clean and stay healthy!
8. A portion of your phone bill is a tax deduction.
9. A portion of your home (home office space) is a tax deduction.
10. Any food or drink you purchase when meeting with a prospect is a tax deduction (Happy coffee dates!).
11. Ability to help your friends & family live healthier, happier lives
12. Ability to build a full-time income if you so choose
13. Ability to share/work when, where, and how you want! No boss! 
14. Willable income. Leave your YL business to your children.
15. Community of friends pursuing the same things as you, supporting you and cheering you on!
16. A job you cannot be fired from
17. Travel perks! Rank trips and convention (tax deductions as well!)
18. Income to cover extra expenses like dance class or summer camp
19. Personal growth guidance & purpose
20. Potential for lifelong residual income!

Thieves Household Cleaner - How Much Should I Use?

Thieves Household Cleaner - How Much Should I Use?
The first time I got Thieves Household Cleaner, I was so excited about this safe, wonderfully smelling product that could replace everything under my sink and clean my entire house. 

That is, until I read the dilution instructions. 1 part cleaner to 30 parts water? What does that even mean? I don't know about you, but my brain doesn't work in parts.

But after doing the math, I realized that it's quite simple. Stay with me here. 

Start with a 16-oz glass spray bottle like this. 

By the way, if you order Thieves Household Cleaner from me, you get this customized bottle for free.

Here's the bottom line: use 1 to 2 tablespoons of cleaner. Then fill with water. 

Not interested in why, then feel free to stop here. No skin off my back.

But if you'd like a simple breakdown, here it is: 

Oh, and by the way, our next math class, I mean blog post, will break down the cost per ounce. 

(Spoiler alert—not only is it the best, but it's the also most cost effective natural cleaner on the market!)

Want the very best deal on everything Thieves? Click the button below to learn about the Thieves bundle.

And as always, reach out to me with any questions!

All About NingXia Red

All About NingXia Red
In this blog post, we learn about the incredible health benefits of Young Living's NingXia Red supplement drink. Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, NingXia Red supports a healthy immune system, provides energy, and supports brain and joint health. It also helps support healthy hormone and blood sugar levels, and can even help curb sugar cravings. Made from wolfberry puree, various fruit juices, essential oils, and other natural ingredients, NingXia Red is a nutrient-dense supplement that is easily assimilated by the body. The blog post also shares tips on how to incorporate NingXia Red into your daily routine and provides various product options to choose from.

Motivation is Overrated!

Motivation is Overrated!
In a recent blog post, the author explores the concept of motivation and its link to self-discipline. While being a personal trainer and group fitness instructor, the author admits that they themselves often lack motivation. They describe a morning where they had zero motivation to work out but decided to push themselves to do it anyway. The author emphasizes the importance of self-discipline, stating that it is a stronger force than motivation. They believe that consistency and showing up, even when not motivated, is key to making progress in achieving health and fitness goals. Ultimately, the author concludes that self-discipline trumps motivation in driving success.

My Thyroid Story

My Thyroid Story

This was me at the end of 2020. I truly thought I was doing everything right. The dreaded "COVID 15?" Not me. In fact, I was in the best shape of my life—eating nutritious foods, teaching virtual fitness classes, and feeling great. So I assumed I was pretty much immune to the major health problems that plague many people my age. But little did I know life was about to hand me a much needed reality check.

But then in the summer of 2021, I came face to face with a cancer scare. Cancer? Me? That can't be possible! But after blood tests, a thyroid scan, an ultrasound, and two biopsies, I received an official diagnosis of hyperthyroidism. According to medlineplus.gov, the symptoms of hyperthyroidism are:

  • Anxiety
  • Weight loss
  • Tremors in the hands
  • Increased heart rate
  • Puffiness
  • Bulging of the eyes
  • Difficulty sleeping

DAE3Jp6By5YOf all these symptoms, I had zero. But an ultrasound revealed six nodules on my thyroid, two of which were "suspect." Fortunately the two biopsies ruled out cancer—for now. But that could change at any moment, which means that I'll need ultrasounds and biopsies every year for the rest of my life. It got to the point where I felt like the inevitable was chasing me.

When I first received my diagnosis, I felt so frustrated and defeated. What did I do wrong? How could this happen? How can I take control of my health and prevent this invisible problem from getting worse? Medication. That's the answer I got from my endocrinologist. She couldn't answer any of my other questions. Just take this pill so your TSH increases to a "normal" level. Well, that's not okay with me. Don't get me wrong—if medication is my only option, I'll take it. But what if there is another option? 

At the time, my TSH was 0.019 mU/L (anything below 0.5 mU/L is considered hyperthyroidism). If it didn't improve, my endocrinologist planned to recommend one of two things: take medication to raise my TSH (and lower my thyroid activity) or have my thyroid removed completely and take medication that will mimic T3 and T4 hormones. So that meant I had two full months to try to tackle this myself and find option number three? Gulp.

I had been doing extensive research on the endocrine system and learned that we wreak havoc on our bodies everyday by overloading them with chemicals—through our cleaning products, laundry detergents, candles, body care products, the list goes on and on. And I was certainly guilty of using toxic chemicals freely. So what if I could improve my situation by changing my lifestyle?

This is what I started doing immediately. For starters, I purged my home of all the toxins and poisons I could think of. The only products under my sink are Thieves Household Cleaner, baking soda, and vinegar. Everything else—gone.  I threw out all my toxic candles and plug-ins and replaced them with essential oil diffusers. And I got rid of all my chemical-laden body care products—shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, lotions, gels, hairsprays...you name it. I even stopped bleaching my hair! Lastly, I am supplementing with natural products from Young Living that support thyroid health and endocrine function, specifically Thyromin capsules and Endoflex essential oil blend.

Those few shifts changed everything! After three months, my TSH levels registered as normal, and I no longer qualified for treatment at all! And in my latest ultrasound in May 2023, two of my nodules have actually shrunk!

So now I will happily share what I've learned with the world. You can reverse toxic overload! It's so simple. Just replace a few household poisons that are hiding in plain sight. I'll help you.

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