Thieves Household Cleaner - How Much Should I Use?

Thieves Household Cleaner - How Much Should I Use?
The first time I got Thieves Household Cleaner, I was so excited about this safe, wonderfully smelling product that could replace everything under my sink and clean my entire house. 

That is, until I read the dilution instructions. 1 part cleaner to 30 parts water? What does that even mean? I don't know about you, but my brain doesn't work in parts.

But after doing the math, I realized that it's quite simple. Stay with me here. 

Start with a 16-oz glass spray bottle like this. 

By the way, if you order Thieves Household Cleaner from me, you get this customized bottle for free.

Here's the bottom line: use 1 to 2 tablespoons of cleaner. Then fill with water. 

Not interested in why, then feel free to stop here. No skin off my back.

But if you'd like a simple breakdown, here it is: 

Oh, and by the way, our next math class, I mean blog post, will break down the cost per ounce. 

(Spoiler alert—not only is it the best, but it's the also most cost effective natural cleaner on the market!)

Want the very best deal on everything Thieves? Click the button below to learn about the Thieves bundle.

And as always, reach out to me with any questions!

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