It's common knowledge that weight loss results from a calorie deficit. So why in the world would I recommend eating more? I'm so glad you asked!
Here's the bottom line. For many of us, we don't have the energy to exercise enough because our bodies don't have sufficient fuel. And the ugly truth is that not everything we put in our mouths is fuel. In fact, more often than not, our diets are our biggest enemies.
"Oh great. Here's where she tells us all the things I can't eat." Nope. I wouldn't do that to you. In fact, as a personal trainer and nutrition specialist, I'd like to apologize to you on behalf of the entire industry for setting you up for failure by doing exactly that. For years.
Here's why making a "no-no" list is a one-way ticket to quitsville. Target fixation. But before we go there, DON'T think about pink elephants.

Yep. I think you get the point. As soon as you tell yourself things like, "I can't eat this," and "I can't eat that," you feel deprived and you want those foods more than ever. And after all, why did you eat those foods in the first place?
It's not about perfection. You should be able to eat fun things that you enjoy. But it’s about listening to your body and being able to recognize how you feel when you fuel your body with good things and how you feel when you don’t. The more you feel the good effects of eating nutrient-dense foods, the less you'll find yourself craving empty calories that pack on the pounds.
So with that in mind, let's flip this deprivation philosophy on its head. In your quest to get healthier, instead of subtracting foods you shouldn't eat, start by adding healthful foods. Yes, adding.
Step one: Add one nutrient-dense food to your daily routine.
Here's an easy place to start. Each morning make a green smoothie. This is the simplest way to pack in a ton of energizing nutrients into your daily routine. Add NingXia Red and NingXia Greens for a ton of easily absorbable nutrients! And make sure to add a healthy fat, such as half an avocado or nut milk, and perhaps a protein powder. This will help you to stay satiated and energized.

When we're tired, our digestive systems are tired too. So give your body something easy to absorb and break down. If you do nothing else, I urge you to give NingXia Red a try. Add 2 ounces into your morning routine for 30 days and see how you feel.
Reach out to me anytime for a free sample.