Need an immune system boost?! Then make some power-packed Elderberry & Wolfberry Super Syrup!!!
Take this awesome oil-infused syrup every few hours when you’re not feeling great (just 1 Tbsp is plenty) and every few days just a precaution.

- Has over 15% protein by weight
- Contains over 21 essential minerals
- Contains 18 amino acids
- Has 67 times the vitamin B1 of brown rice
- Has 2 times the vitamin B3 of baker's yeast
- Has 3 times the vitamin C of raw oranges
- Has 5 times the calcium of raw cauliflower
- Has 2 times the beta carotene of raw spinach
- Talk about a nutrient powerhouse!
As though those two powerhouses aren't enough, I also infuse this syrup with essential oils.
* Copaiba – makes all the other oils in this recipe even more potent and beneficial! It’s a magnifying oil and awesome for overall full body wellness!
* Thieves – This is a seriously amazing blend of clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus radiata and rosemary. Think immunity.
* Orange - because it tastes so yummy!
* Frankincense – Excellent cell health supporting oil, brain support. Frankincense has been used for centuries. Google it. For real.
* Nutmeg – Besides tasting and smelling awesome, this oil encourages optimal digestive function, combats occasional “ puffiness”, supports joints and promotes cardiovascular health.
* Cinnamon Bark – a powerful support to the immune system and yummy.
Here’s the super simple recipe I used:

Click below for a link to all the Young Living products listed.