Build Your Confidence
Did you know that the fear of falling is one of the most significant factors that increases the risk of a fall? And that fear is particularly prevalent in those who have fallen before. Sometimes, fear can impact our posture or gait. Picture someone walking confidently versus someone walking with uncertainty. Even the posture you assume can impact your risk for a fall. According to the National Institute of Health, you can improve your fall confidence several ways.

DAFwnlmWLV41. First, identify your risk factors and work to reduce them. For example, get your eyes checked regularly and speak to your doctor about medication interactions and side effects.

2. Next, plan for getting help if a fall should occur.

3. If you are at risk, don't be afraid to speak up. Speak openly with a health care provider or a loved one.

4. Set small goals in help you feel more confident.

5. Challenge any negative thoughts you have. For every negative thought, see if you can create positive thoughts and affirmations. Mindset means a lot.

6. Stay active. Participate in structured physical activity as well as leisure time activity.

7. Finally, practice relaxation techniques. Anxiety and stress can lead to tension in the body and unclear thought patterns. These are my favorite Young Living products that can help with stress management. 


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